We offered a ringtone of this amazing sound of the greeting of a wild Pacific Spinner dolphin during our fundraising campaign to complete our short film “Dolphin Dreams“. For a limited time, you can download it here as our gift to friends of the project.
When your friends hear you answering the call of the dolphins (your phone) they will know how important cetaceans and the oceans are to you.
This is an example of a ‘signature whistle’, a whistle sound associated with a bubble stream. Scientists believe that these whistles express self-identifying information, much like a human name. Mother and baby dolphins often call and find each other using ‘signature whistles’. Wild dolphins have also been observed to make ‘signature whistles’ towards other dolphins when they meet after a separation or for the first time. As you see in the video, in our experience, dolphins will greet our dancers with their whistles at the beginning of a rehearsal, and frequently stream them again before they leave. Like saying, “Hello” and “Goodbye”. What a special gift!
Combining our own observations with those of scientists, we are exploring the extent to which we can communicate with dolphins through movement and dance. “Dolphin Dreams” is our next film on this theme and will be a big step towards developing our IMAX feature film, which will not only feature the human-dolphin dance, but many scientific and other insights that underscore the importance of this remarkable inter-species co-choreography.
Please help us spread the word about “Dolphin Dreams” and the Dolphin Dance Project by downloading the dolphin ring tone and letting your friends know that you answer the call of dolphins!

[…] Signature whistles may be a primary way for dolphins to get help when they are hurt! Mothers and babies send their signature whistles to each other to keep track of each other and can probably signal when in distress. But most often, teamwork is how dolphins stay healthy and safe. Dolphins are very rarely found swimming by themselves. Most of the time, dolphins in a pod stick together, and dolphins are so socially oriented that they care for each other as if they were all family. Even when not swimming as a group, dolphins are often found in pairs, and they almost always have a friend to help them if they get in trouble. https://dolphin-dance.org/2012/11/08/dolphins-are-calling/ […]